15 Reasons Why a Positive Parenting Class Will Change Your Life – #14

by | September 5, 2015 | 0 comments

15 Reasons Why a Positive Parenting Class Will Change Your Life – #14

by | September 5, 2015 | 0 comments

It doesn’t really matter how patient, easy-going, mellow, or
self-controlled you are before you have kids…once you have kids, ALL of
us get challenged beyond belief with lots of things, but especially
self-control. Whether it’s spilled milk, eating sand at the beach, hitting
a sibling, saying no or resisting bedtime, not eating vegetables at dinner,
or pulling mom’s hair while nursing….all of these things often surprise
us with how easily they heighten our emotions (and/or actions).

Before you have children, it seems like it wouldn’t be that hard to control
yourself and speak/act respectfully in order to teach a small human, but
unfortunately, that’s often a lot “easier said than done”.

Redirecting Children’s Behavior teaches us all how to STOP…breathe
deeply, and consider our own emotions and intentions, THEN decide on a
course of action. It’s a practice that can take two seconds or five
minutes…however long we choose, but is incredibly effective in changing
our own behavior, which in turn, helps our little munchkins change their
behavior….for the better!

Wendy Snyder

*”Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way!! ~Dr.

Learn more about how Positive Parenting Curriculum can transform your life through the Fresh Start Family Expereince.


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