Trusted Psychology Meets Effective, Easy to Implement Strategies

The Fresh Start Experience is the only positive parenting program built for REAL LIFE PARENTING.

You’ll discover how to ditch hand-me-down parenting tactics & stop doubting you’ll ever have kids who cooperate well.

Join a community of parents from around the world who are changing their lives in the Fresh Start Experience program.

I’ve developed a unique teaching style that has helped families all over the world actually SEE success when learning and implementing new positive parenting strategies in their home.

I’ve helped thousands of parents:

I’ve developed a unique teaching style that has helped families all over the world actually SEE success when learning and implementing new positive parenting strategies in their home.

I’ve helped thousands of parents:

End Knee Jerk Reactions

No more freaking out faster than you can take a deep breath, jumping to threats, or screaming to gain respect & cooperation. My simple steps to become responsive (vs. reactive) in your parenting walk will have you feeling confident about your own actions as a parent when you lay your head on your pillow each night. Plus, your kids will respond so much better when they are inspired by you (vs. scared).

Discipline with Compassion

We’ll help you build a solid discipline toolkit that teaches important life lessons with grace & dignity. You’ll learn to successfully plan & implement logical consequences (without all the punishment mindset BS you’ve been taught all your life about how kids need to feel bad about their behavior in order to behave better).

Stick to Firm Boundaries

You’ll have a simple to implement 4 step process that helps you stay consistent with strong boundaries as a parent, even in the face of your pushback, overwhelm & triggers. You can say goodbye to begging your kids to listen, or jumping to punishment because they didn’t do what they’re told. In no time, you’ll be setting firm rules & sticking to them with dignity, connection & kindness.

It feels like you’ve tried just about everything to get to higher ground…


Threats have become a solid go-to for you and “if, then statements” flow out of your mouth lightning fast all day long … but you lack follow through so your kids laugh at you behind your back & know you’re not REALLY going to hold up your boundaries. (yikes, but c’mon, you know it’s true!)


You’re not proud of it, but forcing your kids to comply by grabbing wrists tighter than you’d like to admit, or dragging them kicking and screaming to time outs has you crying tears of shame & regret when you lay your head on your pillow at night.


Bribes and rewards have become a norm for you (I mean how else would you potty train or get your kids to do what they’re supposed to? 😝) … but later realize that they still need you to nag them, or hold a carrot over their head, or they just straight disrespect your rules.


You’ve become a professional yeller & struggle with the nagging thoughts of “why do I have to raise my voice in order for my kids to listen” and then watch your kids the next day as they repeat the behavior of not listening till you scream at them – that feeling of groundhogs day is so draining!

You’ve tried taking everything they love away, from desert to devices, to favorite toys & even hugs … but these punishments feel like CRAP when you implement them & they aren’t working long-term (because your kids keep doing the same stuff!)


By this point, you’ve reached a family crisis kinda situation (and heck no, this isn’t because you’re a bad parent)!

No wonder things have gotten a little out of control in your home.

No one handed you a firm & kind parenting manual when your child was born (boy, that would have been nice!) so …
… of course you’re confused
… of course you feel out of control
… of course you have questions about how to raise your little human souls with integrity, connection & effectiveness
… of course you feel like you’re drowning in the demands of motherhood and lacking joy.


Take a deep breath for a second & put your hand on your heart …

There is absolutely no judgement here. You are doing your best!

I see you, I admire you & I get you.

If you’re anything like me, admitting you need help feels a little vulnerable & up until now, you weren’t quite sure who to ask.

Maybe you’ve always felt like parenting should come naturally to “good moms” and that having questions & uncertainties meant you were troubled.

Or perhaps you’ve invested in a parenting program before only to NOT finish it or have trouble getting results with what you learned.

You may even feel like it’s impossible to find time to shower each day, let alone do a parenting course.

You probably REALLY want to believe there is light at the end of the tunnel if you were to learn a new way … but you’re having doubts that it will work.

It takes courage to do things differently than what had been modeled to you growing up.

Picture living life everyday knowing confidently you are building that family legacy of your dreams … one that you are proud of & that is filled with memories that make your heart melt about the life you’ve lived.

Take a moment to feel that smile on your face that you experience when you actually enjoy spending time with your kids who matter more to you than anything else in the world.


You absolutely CAN have a deeply connected, strong family of your dreams.

When you join The Fresh Start Experience, you will learn how to…

Redirect Misbehavior:

No more confusion…

You will unlock the secrets to understand your child’s misbehavior and redirect with connection & integrity.


  • See misbehavior as communication.
  • Understand how to differentiate between the four categories of misbehavior: Attention, Power, Inadequacy & Revenge.
  • Create an action plan to redirect kids towards better behavior with your new parenting toolkit.

Increase Cooperation:

Less pushback…

You will be empowered & optimistic as you switch up your parenting style and see how you are able to effectively influence your kids.


  • Learn new ways to communicate with your children so they listen & cooperate because they want to, not because they HAVE to.
  • Understand how to easily create rules, set limits & follow through with consistency.
  • Help your child strengthen their self-control muscles.

Get Long Term Results:

Results that last…

You will feel wildly encouraged & supported with NEW, modern & effective tools that teach your kids how to behave better every day.


  • Use discipline strategies that prioritize connection and implement teaching methods that create sustainable long term results.
  • Build fluency with practice and support from a community filled with like minded parents who get you & are on the same mission.
  • Be supported by certified positive parenting coaches who are dedicated to answering all of your questions along the way.

What you’ll get inside the Fresh Start Experience

Foundations Course

Your first step on your journey. Learn the A-Z of Positive Parenting methodology including why Positive Psychology is definitely what you want to lean on when raising your little human souls. We know you’re busy so we created these lessons to be quick and powerful.

Course Workbook

Your “go –to” reference guide for all things Fresh Start Family! You will have room for note taking as well as step-by-step guides to help you develop your skills and implement these tools in your home.

Focused Monthly Lesson & Bundle

Each month, enjoy a fresh video lesson to dive deep on a specific topic, including cheat sheets & journal prompts that include a clear intention & activities to solidify your learning. These combined monthly focused resources keep you inspired as you incorporate your new learning into actionable steps in your home.

Private Facebook Group

An insanely encouraging community filled with parents who are relatable, humble & courageous to share comfortably & honestly share your struggles, as well as celebrate your successes. When we support each other, we all solidify our learning & fast track our results.

Ask a Coach

When you get stuck, you can reach out to get personalized coaching support for your specific challenge. Write in for help 24/7 and one of our certified coaches (specially trained by me) will provide you with actionable guidance.

Weekly Live Group Coaching

Come hang out with me every week as I coach on questions asked by the community. You’ll feel motivated & encouraged by the powerful and deeply insightful support provided during these sessions.

On Demand Video Library

Easy, quick & powerful parenting guidance at your fingertips. A searchable library to find positive parenting lessons that fit your current challenge. You’ll never be scratching your head again saying “I don’t know what to do!”.

Kids Social Emotional Lessons

Wouldn’t it be great to teach our children social emotional skills at such a young age?! The Fresh Start Kids Lessons and Activities, included in your focused lesson each month will help your family learn & grow alongside each other. Your kids will look forward to these fun and relatable lessons taught by my daughter, Stella.


As a member you will have the opportunity for:
Live Monthly Q&A Sessions
Individualized Hot Seat Coaching
Success Story Mondays
Weekly Members Only Newsletter

Enrichment Programs:
Freedom to Be Life Coaching
Become a Parenting Coach Certification

When you join, you will get these bonuses as my gift.



Standing Tall To Extended Family Guide & Worksheet

{$127 value}

My tried & true strategies for responding to unsupportive, combative and / or hurtful family members who aren’t shy to share with you that they disapprove with how you’re choosing to parent. You’ll learn new verbiage to respond with integrity, so you’ll feel confident & dignified, even amidst awkward situations, un-welcomed advice and / or family gatherings!



When Your Spouse Isn't On Board

{$127 value}

So many families find me when one spouse chooses to come forward for help first. If you’re feeling alone in your parenting journey, whether it’s because your spouse isn’t on board (yet) or you are co-parenting with someone who thinks positive parenting won’t help, this audio training and quick guide for success will give you the confidence you need to stay in learning & focused on taking the first steps to making the changes.



Say This Not That Communication Guide

{$127 value}

Do you ever get frustrated your kids are not listening to you very well & maybe even feel like a broken record? This bonus ‘quick reference’ guide provides you with great & easy to implement ideas for communication tweaks that really work in gaining cooperation with your kids!



A Self Accountability & Commitment Package

{$127 value}

To help you battle the “I don’t have time” or “I can’t, I have crazy kids all day” mentality so you can keep your Agreement to yourself & your kids to step into learning & BE the positive change in your family Includes:

  • Self – contract with action steps
  • Family contract
  • Pack of cell phone wallpapers – saver photos – affirmations / declarations to help you stay committed to learning & growing

The Fresh Start Experience is valued at $8,576

Practical tools that get you LONG TERM success

A variety of easy-to-use resources for the entire family

Personalized coaching from Wendy & coaches who have been in your shoes

Member-only Community

Exclusive access to special events

Join Now!


Today’s Price:
$299 + $59/month

When you choose the monthly option, you pay the $299 joining fee & $59 for the first month & you’ll immediately have access to the Fresh Start Experience curriculum & community! You will then be billed $59 per month. You can cancel at any time.

Not Quite Ready?

Begin Your Journey with

Why is the Fresh Start Experience different than other parenting programs?

If you think this is just another positive parenting program, know that we do things differently…

  • A full personal growth journey that combines both parenting & life coaching support.
  • Feel truly seen, heard & understood by Wendy, coaches & community.
  • Wendy models being humble, vulnerable & honest which cultivates a judgement free community, safe for sharing & learning together (don’t worry, even your biggest mistakes & worse days as a parent won’t scare us)
  • Lessons & coaching that develop social emotional skills for both parents & children.
  • Build actionable plans to make changes in your home with a fully supportive community that holds you accountable.

We can help you make the family you’ve always dreamed of become a reality.

Stories of Transformation

Mary, mom of 4

Jennifer, mom of 3

Tina, mom of 3

What my


have to say:

Our boys are doing so great! I have a new lens that I look through when we face parenting struggles that helps me realize their behavior is usually a direct reflection of our relationship with each other … and  how I respond vs react to their big emotions and choices.

It’s so humbling to parent this way and assume integrity with our kids.

We are learning together, guiding each other, and as parents my husband and I are pausing and modeling more. When there’s conflict between them I’m asking more questions and making them think instead of trying to find fault and taking sides.

It’s been eye opening to see how far connecting with each of them regularly really goes. I’m thankful for the things I’ve learned from Wendy and the community members. This has had such a huge impact on our parenting journey!

Lynn C

momma of 3 boys

I used to fear picking my kids up from daycare/pre-school just knowing what was ahead. Now my perspective has changed tremendously and I can’t speak highly enough about Wendy and Fresh Start Family courses. It not only saved our family, but strengthened the relationship with my husband which was an added bonus! Our entire family is beginning to gain such strong trust and respect for one another and I feel more empowered than ever.

Jodi McCormick

So excited for all the small victories that are happening day in, day out in our home. They really do add up and I feel so proud. This group has been a life changer. It took the words /theories /strategies of positive parenting and helped me bring them to fruition in our day to day life as a family. Forever grateful!

Misty C.

The education & support Wendy provides in The Bonfire is meaningful and is making a difference in our home. She is so relatable because of her real world experience that she shares so openly & honestly through her teaching & coaching. The Bonfire weekly coaching sessions and monthly lessons & print outs are a continuous part of our learning and help me stay committed to growing into the husband and dad I need to be.

Brian H.

I spent this last weekend finishing up the foundations course with my husband! I feel so empowered!!! I have made a diligent effort the past few days to be conscious in my actions and words with my 3.5 year old son and have seen a SIGNIFICANT difference overall in our interactions, his behavior, my mood and how we have handled not so great moments. I am thankful to have found Fresh Start Family and to be learning and growing each day alongside my kids!

Jaime P


Does this work for families with kids of all ages?
Absolutely. Our curriculum is theory based, meaning the methodology will apply to all stages of life. Support regarding application of strategies to different life stages is provided in various lessons within the video library & will be addressed within your individualized coaching.
Can I really expect to see results by applying the strategies?

YES, families…this stuff works! Trust us, learn the methods, apply the strategies, try again when it doesn’t go perfectly and have faith in the seeds you’re planting. We only teach methods that we’ve personally tried in our own homes with our own kids, so we know what we are teaching you works and you can always trust us to be real with you.

I understand you want to spend your money wisely … after receiving hundreds & hundreds & hundreds of success stories from students (no joke, below is a scroll showing our current 800+ page success story google doc) …… I believe so deeply in this curriculum & know for a fact that this course will change your life.

I’m really busy, what is the time commitment?
  • We help families find short but consistent pockets of time within their busy days to commit to making learning & positive change happen!
  • We’ve designed the educational programs & lessons to be comprehensive, yet also as brief as possible, so you can get the course done in minimal time.
  • Video lessons range from 15 min to 60 min. & can easily be watched in chunks (no need to do them at all once!)
  • Your time commitment will ebb & flow depending on the level of support you are seeking through your various stages of the program & challenges you’re facingHere is an example of what your time commitment might look like:
    • Hop into our private Facebook group to engage for 10 -20 minutes a few times a week – read success stories & questions other members ask and post a success or a question of your own
    • If you choose to, post a question for the week & our team of certified parenting coaches will respond within 24 hours with customized support JUST FOR YOU! Coaches often suggest a specific lesson for you to watch that relate to your unique challenge, which you can press play for just 10 – 15 minutes a day (to help you find success in completing it).
    • In addition to watching / listening to a recommended lesson – you may choose to work on the accompanying activity / easy learning sheet that helps to solidify and implement your learning. Our activities are designed to be completed in as little as 10-15 minutes.
    • For optimal learning & encouragement, attend a live coaching call (Fridays at 11:30am PT) or success story celebration sessions (Mondays at 11:30am PT) OR catch the replay at your convenience. These sessions are approximately 1 hour & are sure to start and end your week filled with inspiration!
    • Some weeks you won’t ask a question for the coaches, so you can just engage in the private Facebook group at your leisure & learn from others.


  • The Fresh Start Experience is really all about what YOU make of it. No requirements – just a zillion amazing ways to get supported, inspired & empowered.
What if I don’t have support from my spouse, family or co-parent?
It takes a village & the Fresh Start Family village will help you understand that you are NOT alone. Surround yourself with a supportive community – & your life will change. Even if you don’t have a supportive spouse or extended family, this program will help you, but it’ll take courage & bravery to lead by saying yes today. If your spouse is not on board “yet” – we have a special bonus included when you join – to help you move forward with learning even though you worry about having “no” support.
What if my kids are really bad?
First off, you have to trust us, your kids aren’t broken & neither are you … you just need support and we’re here to help. Second … we have worked with kids & parents who are in serious patterns of power struggles / revenge misbehaviors … and helped them do complete 180’s in their homes. THIS STUFF WORKS … remember our google doc of success stories / testimonials is over 800 pages long now. if you’re willing to learn, have an open heart & do what we teach / coach you to – you WILL HAVE MASSIVE POSITIVE RESULTS.
How do I access the Fresh Start Experience?
You will receive an email immediately after joining, giving you all of the information on how to log in & access your dashboard and the private Facebook group. Everything you will need will be located within the Fresh Start Experience dashboard of our website, which can be accessed on a desktop or mobile device.
Is it too late?
NO! It is never too late to strengthen your relationships with your children & prioritize connection over correction in your home. It’s a fact that “we do the best we can with the tools be have & then once we learn new tools, we THEN have different opportunities & the ability to make different choices.” No need to beat yourself up for anything you have done in the past. You are here now – with an open, humble heart – ready to learn & grow! Take a look at this success story about a mom and her 14 year old son. We’ve seen multitudes of parents change their parenting walk with their teens & the results have been magnificent.

How much of Wendy do I get?
  • Wendy teaches all of the lessons inside our video library – that’s 60++ curriculum lessons!
  • Wendy hosts weekly coaching calls every Friday
  • Wendy hosts a monthly Live Q&A call about our featured topic
  • Wendy hosts 1-2 success story celebration sessions each month
  • Wendy hosts 1 Foundations Course check in / coaching session each month
Can I try out the Fresh Start Experience for just one month? Or am I locked in?

You can! For anyone who joins with a monthly plan – the program is month-to-month and we make cancellation hassle-free. Our members all have different goals and stay for a variety of periods.

>> Families who join with an annual plan are welcome to cancel & request a full refund within 14 days of purchase.  Annual plans come with peace of mind, knowing your investment is backed by our Family Transformation Guarantee!

What is your Family Transformation Guarantee?

I believe so deeply in this curriculum & know for a fact that this course will change your life!  I guarantee results for families that join our annual plan when they:

  • Finish Foundation Course
  • Attend weekly coaching calls or watch the replay
  • Watch all Bonfire lessons
  • Enter every “Contest of the Month”
  • Ask our coaches at least 2 questions a month for support

For my students that show up & do all the work – if you don’t have the same radical positive transformation that hundreds & hundreds of other families have experienced, you can request a full refund on day 365! You have the peace of mind to invest in your family & start today!

Do I have to be on facebook to join this program?

Nope, not at all. All of our lessons & learning activities are housed in an online custom learning platform that you’ll get immediate access to when you join today.

Our private facebook group is a bonus place for Fresh Start Experience Families to be in community, share in success stories, cheer each other on & receive additional support & accountability. We absolutely recommend creating a “dummy facebook account” where you have zero friends & zero followers that you can use to login & take part in the private community (when you login to take part in our private group – you are not “getting on social media” – you are engaging with virtual parenting support group & counseling – which is WAY different than just mindless scrolling.

We’ve tested multiple platforms for community engagement & facebook is by far where we’ve had the best experience for group engagement / community building so that’s why we use it – but it is absolutely not required to take part in the Fresh Start Experience program.

If I live outside the US can I do your program?
Absolutely! We have families from ALL over the world that don’t let the time zones stand in their way of learning & participating. That’s why the Fresh Start Experience Foundations Course & Video Library is on demand so you can watch when it’s convenient for you. Replays of any / all live call/sessions are always made available for you access & push play on whenever you choose.
Will my card automatically be billed?
When you join, you’ll pay your initial joining fee plus your first month’s tuition & then Yes, after that – your card will be automatically billed every month (or year if you have an annual membership) on the date that you signed up.

Not Quite Ready?

Begin Your Journey with