Episode 18: Raising Healthy Athletes – An Interview with Susie Walton

by | June 13, 2019

Episode 18: Raising Healthy Athletes – An Interview with Susie Walton

by | June 13, 2019

The Fresh Start Family Show
The Fresh Start Family Show
Episode 18: Raising Healthy Athletes - An Interview with Susie Walton


In today’s episode Wendy & Terry interview Susie Walton, who is the dear friend & mentor who taught Wendy the positive parenting techniques she now shares with the world. Susie is also the founder of Indigo Village, author of Key to Personal Freedom: How Myths Affect our Family Lives, & the creator of the Joy of Parenting course. Susie raised four boys who were all athletes, including her son Luke who played professional basketball and is now a coach in the NBA. So, today she is sharing some pros & cons she has gathered after raising her children in the world of sports. Susie’s niece, Gabby, also joins the Snyders and Susie for this interview to offer her perspective on the benefits participating in an organized sport for 13 years.

Three takeaways for parents who are raising athletes:

  1. The benefits of raising active children who understand their bodies
  2. Balancing our involvement in our children’s athletic endeavors
  3. The long-term benefits of being active with sports as a child

As a single mom raising four teenage boys, Susie realized that she desired to stop yelling and develop a close friendship with her children. She wanted their home to be a place where they treated each other with kindness and where they genuinely liked each other. She took a Redirecting Children’s Behavior course & the material was so meaningful to her and her boys that she began teaching this course to other parents who were also looking for support. She has now been running parenting seminars for over 25 years.

In This Episode Wendy & Terry Chat With Susie & Gabby About:

  • The importance of being active, especially for kinesthetic learners
  • How to discover the way our children learn best: Auditory (learn best by hearing) vs. Visual (learn best by seeing) vs. Kinesthetic (learn best by doing/moving)
  • How to support kinesthetic kids through being active, moving their bodies, and often times sports
  • The goal of raising active children is so they learn their own bodies & are comfortable in them – the gift of knowing, feeling, and using their bodies as a healthy outlet
  • Keeping kids out of organized sports as long as possible actually leads to better self-directing skills & more creativity
  • The fine balance between encouraging our children in their athletic endeavors vs. becoming overly involved and/or living vicariously through their accomplishments
  • Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation and ways to support intrinsic
  • The pros & the cons of organized sports during childhood
  • Healthy athletes will develop a lifelong joy for taking care of their bodies and will also model this to the next generation

Mentioned in this Episode:

Raising A Strong Willed, Intense or Sensitive Child? If yes, I have a FREE gift for you!

This free bundle comes with an extensive learning guide & FREE workshop with me, where I’ll teach you ways to build connection & methods to work WITH your strong willed kids instead of trying to MAKE THEM change. 

Inside this FREE learning bundle I’ll teach you:
*Firm & kind strategies to navigate challenging behavior with firm kindness & connection (vs. fear, force, yelling, threats & bribery)
*Ways to build connection instead of pushing your child away w/ heavy handed “hand me down parenting tactics”
*How to work WITH your kids instead of forcing them to comply or trying to MAKE them change

Click here to grab your free bundle now & start learning today!

If you have a question, comment or a suggestion about today’s episode, or the podcast in general, send me an email at [email protected] or connect with me over on Facebook @freshstartfamily & Instagram @freshstartwendy.


Learn more about how Positive Parenting Curriculum can transform your life through the Fresh Start Family Expereince.

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