Episode 25: It’s Okay to do Things Differently!

by | August 30, 2019

Episode 25: It’s Okay to do Things Differently!

by | August 30, 2019

The Fresh Start Family Show
The Fresh Start Family Show
Episode 25: It's Okay to do Things Differently!


On today’s episode, Wendy & Terry discuss that it is okay to do things differently within our parenting walks. As parents, it is our job to decide what aligns with our souls & conscience in terms of raising the children who have been entrusted to us. Positive parenting believes that connected, responsive relationships are key, but this style can be very counter-cultural.

It can be challenging to stay the course when we are feeling judged or like we are living this lifestyle on our own. This episode focuses on how to shift our mindset away from insecurity to one that is bold & proud to stand up for the type of parenting that aligns with our hearts. People who are brave enough to go against the grain & stand up for their core values can change the world for the better!

Specifically, Wendy & Terry touch on three points that will speak to parents who need encouragement when it comes to living out the positive parenting lifestyle with confidence:

  1. Saying “no” to what might be more culturally acceptable means saying “yes” to your core values & moral compass
    • This often means taking the road less traveled & being patient with a longer process – there aren’t any quick fixes in parenting!
    • Model to your children (& others!) how you want them to behave – instead of telling your kids what to do, show them how to be
  2. Get plugged into a supportive community
    • This can be online if there aren’t other likeminded parents where you live – embrace technology!
    • Enhancing & strengthening your relationship within your own family unit is top priority
  3. How to think differently & understanding that “different” is not “bad”
    • When feeling discouraged, recall people in history who you admire who thought differently & changed the world for the better (example: MLK Jr.)
    • Being brave enough to parent with mutual respect, kindness, firmness & great boundaries will create a legacy for future generations

Mentioned in this Episode:

Raising A Strong Willed, Intense or Sensitive Child? If yes, I have a FREE gift for you!

This free bundle comes with an extensive learning guide & FREE workshop with me, where I’ll teach you ways to build connection & methods to work WITH your strong willed kids instead of trying to MAKE THEM change. 

Inside this FREE learning bundle I’ll teach you:
*Firm & kind strategies to navigate challenging behavior with firm kindness & connection (vs. fear, force, yelling, threats & bribery)
*Ways to build connection instead of pushing your child away w/ heavy handed “hand me down parenting tactics”
*How to work WITH your kids instead of forcing them to comply or trying to MAKE them change

Click here to grab your free bundle now & start learning today!

If you have a question, comment or a suggestion about today’s episode, or the podcast in general, send me an email at [email protected] or connect with me over on Facebook @freshstartfamily & Instagram @freshstartwendy.


Learn more about how Positive Parenting Curriculum can transform your life through the Fresh Start Family Expereince.

Want to see what Positive Parenting looks like #IRL? I love to stay active on both Instagram & Facebook, giving you guys a glimpse into my real family life!