Creating Space and Peace: Decluttering Your Motherhood

by | January 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Creating Space and Peace: Decluttering Your Motherhood

by | January 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Motherhood is a journey filled with joy, love, and challenges.

However, many moms find themselves overwhelmed by the expectations and “shoulds” that society places on them.

Decluttering our motherhood includes letting go of the shoulds to create a more joyful and fulfilling motherhood experience.

Inventory Your Overwhelm

It’s great to start by taking inventory of the overwhelm in our lives, just as we would with a cluttered closet.

By examining the expectations and “shoulds” we carry, we can gain clarity on what truly matters to us as individuals and as mothers. Reflecting on our definition of a good mom and questioning whether it aligns with our values and desires is a great place to look deeper too.

Learning to release the shame and guilt associated with unrealistic expectations and make room for self-acceptance and self-compassion is life-changing and freeing beyond belief.

“What is actually in my motherhood closet telling me that I should be doing? What is my definition of a good mom? Have I ever actually sat down and written that out and thought about it? And is it reasonable, my definition of a good mom? Does it actually fit me? Do I like this definition of a good mom?” – Rachel Nielsen (episode 210 of The Fresh Start Family Show – coming soon!)

Edit Your Expectations

Once we have taken inventory of our overwhelm, it’s wise to edit our expectations. Think of it like drawing a parallel to the process of decluttering a physical space, where we remove items that no longer serve us.

Similarly, we can let go of expectations that do not align with our values and bring us joy. It’s powerful to question the shoulds and beliefs we have inherited from our family, religion, or society.

By doing so, we can create space for more authentic and fulfilling experiences of motherhood.

Make Room for More Joy

As we declutter our motherhood, we create space for more joy and fulfillment. Have fun by dreaming big and exploring what activities or experiences would bring the most excitement and happiness.

Whether it’s traveling with our children, engaging in creative projects, or simply spending quality time together, we can find ways to incorporate more joy into our lives. It’s essential to let go of the guilt and shame associated with self-care and prioritize our own well-being.

The Future is Light

Decluttering our motherhood is a transformative process that allows us to let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace a more authentic and joyful experience of motherhood.

By taking inventory of our overwhelm, editing our expectations, and making room for more joy, we can create a nurturing and fulfilling environment for ourselves and our children.

We have the power to redefine motherhood on our own terms and find joy in the unique journey we are on.

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  • 5 mini parenting lessons (delivered right to your email inbox – watch on your own time)
  • Powerful tips & tools to help you head into the new year with your kids feeling empowered & confident as a parent (leaving those old, hand me down parenting tactics behind)

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