Helping a Spouse “Get on Board”

by | January 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Helping a Spouse “Get on Board”

by | January 23, 2024 | 0 comments

If there’s one thing I see hold back a LOT of mommas from transforming their homes into more peaceful places …

… it’s a spouse NOT being on board. 😢

Moms who are incredibly wise & led to positive parenting (often divinely) end up doubting themselves, the validity of this “style of parenting” & giving up on their dreams, because hubs says – “no way” or “that stuff is dumb.”

But here’s the truth … this doesn’t have to prevent you from fully stepping into learning & BEING the positive change you so desperately want for your family.

Often times, spouses just need YOU to “go first” w/ educating yourself & implementing changes, even if that means you do it alone for a while.

Odvi, this isn’t idea, but it’s how I see TONS of parents do it every year inside our Fresh Start Experience.

And every month or so, we have a student post in our private group “hashtag success … my hubs said he wants to sit down & watch a module of The Foundations Course this weekend, or “hashtag success after 9 months of doing this work on my own, my spouse said to me this morning “honey, I can see what a difference this is making & I”m ready to learn more”.

So don’t let “being the first to step up to educate yourself” stop you from doing just that.

We’ve helped parents who have this dynamic in their home & can do the same for you through next week’s FREE New Year Kick Start Challenge (5 day FREE mini course that started Monday 1/22 – but there’s still time to hop in & catch up – **no need to attend anything live.

Here’s my top 5 tips to help you get the support you’re yearning for when it comes to your spouse & positive parenting ❤️


1st off, thank him for all he does to be a great dad. Sit down & really create a list then look in his eyes & express your gratitude.


Men don’t read minds, so if something is important to you, be willing to ask what you want & do it w/ connection. Enjoy a walk holding hands, or a cup of hot tea, or glass of wine after the kids go down & ask him if he’d be willing to watch a few challenge lessons with you, or listen to a podcast episode or audible book.

Let him know why it’s important to you & thank him in advance for even considering it. If your birthday is near, it’s a great gift to ask for (him just listening or doing a course)


Dudes don’t like to be forced into things, so the less pressure the better.

Bravely go first to try new things & let them watch you engaging with lessons, getting coached, etc. and then let him know if he’s interested, you can share a lesson with him or what you’ve learned that’s made bedtime, or mealtime, or whatever easier.


Take the ‘hard’ away … hand him air-pods or wired airbus & connect them to his wifi-bluetooth, & text a link to make it easy for him to listen to / or watch education. Whether it’s a podcast episode, a free FSF Challenge lesson, or a video inside our Foundations Course … your hubs will appreciate it’s an easy click vs. something he has to go digging for or find himself.


When something feels easier on your nervous system (a new tool or strategy you’ve tried) or seems to reduce friction around the morning hustle, or mealtimes or whatever … share it with your hubs. Ask him “hey, something cool happened today with the kids, can I share what I learned with that Wendy girl I’ve been learning from & why I think it worked so well?”

Here’s a recent success story shared in our group from a momma who never gave up on her spouse & is seeing now the fruits of her labor, stay the course families! And join us for this week’s FREE challenge to get started!

Learn more about how Positive Parenting Curriculum can transform your life through the Fresh Start Family Expereince.


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