New New New – “Friday 5!” The quickest, easiest to digest, most encouraging Positive Parenting lessons weekly! ?

by | January 5, 2018 | 0 comments

New New New – “Friday 5!” The quickest, easiest to digest, most encouraging Positive Parenting lessons weekly! ?

by | January 5, 2018 | 0 comments

Today I’m kicking off my new “Friday 5!” series!

If there’s one thing I know FOR SURE about the families I work with….it’s that they are BUSY!

For a thousand reasons, but especially from a time commitment perspective, raising young kids is no joke, right? The amount of time it takes to simply keep them clothed, fed & clean (plus not have the house be a disaster) is all consuming, let alone adding things like actually having fun with them, teaching them manners, helping them learn to communicate in healthy ways, showing them the importance of being responsible, supporting them to build strong self-confidence, finding time to just “be present” with them and motivating them to take ownership of their own actions. Phew…how are we supposed to find time to do this stuff? The struggle is real!

So we’re all in the same boat, we’re blessed, but busy! AND we care a TON about how we’re teaching our kids, so let’s take a deep breath & remember that lots of small steps & accomplishments add up to GIANT successes and incredible accomplishments. I’m here to help you take consistent steps towards moving mountains & building the strong, respectful & joyful family you deserve.

So in 2018, I’ll be bringing you weekly “snackable” (my hubby brought that term home from his new creative agency and I love it!), yet powerful mini-lessons to encourage, motivate, inspire & challenge you to keep charging ahead in creating the family of your dreams.

Enjoy the first “Friday 5”! It’s all about the power of Empathy and some easy peasy Empathy phrases you can use with your kids (to increase cooperation, respect & strong relationships in your home!)

Always a pleasure to cheer you on!

p.s. Did you see that I’m teaching a FREE Master Class on Sunday 1/21 on “How to Reduce Stress & Build Connection in Your Home in 2018” See below to learn more & register!


FREE Online Master Class to Kick off the New Year with Great Intention!

Mark your calendars…Sunday, January 21st, 2pm pacific. From the comfort of your own home, login to learn with me & expand your parenting toolkit so you’re equipped to start FRESH in 2018!

4 POWERFUL Mindset Shifts & Strategies Every Parent Can Implement into the New Year for Increased Joy, Peace, Resilience & Confidence

Click HERE to register


Learn more about how Positive Parenting Curriculum can transform your life through the Fresh Start Family Expereince.


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