Episode 32: The Difference Between Punishment & Discipline

by | November 1, 2019

Episode 32: The Difference Between Punishment & Discipline

by | November 1, 2019

The Fresh Start Family Show
The Fresh Start Family Show
Episode 32: The Difference Between Punishment & Discipline


In today’s episode Wendy hosts solo & covers:

  • the difference between punishment & discipline
  • the 5 reasons by punishment is detrimental to families
  • the 5 reasons why using compassionate discipline is so effective & strengthening for families

5 Reasons Punishment Doesn’t Work for Families:

  • Empty Threats: When stressed & irritated by misbehavior, you threaten things like spankings & taking things away, but never follow through because you don’t really want to hurt your child or get rid of expensive toys that keep your kids entertained. 
  • Behavior Keeps Repeating: You’ve tried all the classic fear & force methods (time outs, taking things away, spankings, yelling, etc.) but your kid still hits, talks disrespectfully, throws fits, pushes back on boundaries, etc.
  • You Feel Majorly Disconnected: When you are forced to discipline, your child acts like he hates you & you’re the meanest Mom on the planet, leaving you feel like there is no common ground or mutual respect between you. 
  • Confusion / Lack of Confidence: You’ve heard about compassionate discipline strategies but don’t quite understand what that means, so you stick with the classic fear & force, but always have the thought of, “maybe this isn’t the right way to influence my child” or “is there a better way?” 
  • Anger / Resentment: Of course you love them, but many days you really don’t like your kid & blame them for MAKING you BE the kind of mom you’ve become. 
  • Regret: After “throwing the hammer” doing what you think you HAVE to do, you often feel guilty about the things you said, ways you treated your child, words you said about their character & how hard you were on them (causing you to feel like a horrible mom that is failing at life). 

5 Reasons Why You Want to Expand Your Compassionate Discipline Toolkit:

  • Methods to build intrinsic self-control muscles: So your kids do what’s right when you’re not looking. 
  • Strategies that unite you: You’ll learn ways to teach important life lessons that will bring you closer together through mutual respect. 
  • The importance of self-calming: I’ll teach you why self-regulation is the #1 place to start with discipline.
  • Natural Consequences: We’ll discuss how letting kids make mistakes & not reaming them for them is often the BEST way for them to learn to do it differently tomorrow. 
  • Logical Consequences: So your discipline is related, respectful, reasonable & teaches responsibility, 
  • Creative Problem Solving Methods: Ways to engage your child’s critical thinking skills to empower them & put you on the same team. 

Mentioned in this Episode:

What if you could be an effective, firm & kind parent WITHOUT relying on fear, force, bribery & rewards?

Imagine learning a new way of firm (AND kind) parenting so you can end painful generational parenting cycles and create family legacies & memories YOU are proud of?

All while getting your kids to cooperate with your rules and boundaries with ease.


Parenting your kids with calm & confidence each day in a way that causes them to do what’s asked of them because they WANT to (not because they HAVE to) … because you’re helping to build essential life skills that have them behaving well & being respectful when you’re NOT looking!

The Firm & Kind Parenting Blueprint is your step by step plan & video training to help you build the family of your dreams. Click HERE to learn more now!

If you have a question, comment or a suggestion about today’s episode, or the podcast in general, send me an email at [email protected] or connect with me over on Facebook @freshstartfamily & Instagram @freshstartwendy.


Learn more about how Positive Parenting Curriculum can transform your life through the Fresh Start Family Expereince.

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