Episode 50: 5 Ways to Homeschool with Integrity During Quarantine

by | May 22, 2020

Episode 50: 5 Ways to Homeschool with Integrity During Quarantine

by | May 22, 2020

The Fresh Start Family Show
The Fresh Start Family Show
Episode 50: 5 Ways to Homeschool with Integrity During Quarantine


Maybe you’ve found yourself suddenly homeschooling your children due to the current pandemic, or perhaps it’s a lifestyle your family has intentionally chosen.

Either way, we know that this topic is important to all parents right now & today we’ve got you covered!

Tune in as Wendy chats with Fresh Start Family’s Community Manager, Sarah Quail. Not only does Sarah work for FSF, but she’s also a military wife & homeschooling mama of 3 kiddos (ages 7, 5, & 3)!

Even if homeschooling isn’t in your plans for the long-term future, this episode applies to all parents who want to feel proud of how they work together with their kiddos on a daily basis.

Not only is this episode is full of tactical tips, but also loads of encouragement…because everyone can use an extra dose of that these days!

Specifically, Wendy & Sarah discuss 5 ways to homeschool with integrity while juggling ALL.the.things:

  1. Stock up on Grace:
    • Parents should first acknowledge that holding the education of their children in their hands (whether they have chosen this path, or if its been dropped in their laps) is daunting!
    • This experience looks different for every family & there is no perfect homeschool scenario
  2. A Strong Intention:
    • You get to decide & focus on your families values & how you’d like to teach them to your kids
    • Get clear on what you & your family desires from this experience (everyone’s input matters!)
  3. Take Control:
    • Think outside the box of “traditional” school & focus on each child’s individual needs
    • Be creative – teach through getting outside in nature, cooking, playing games, using social/emotional skills to work out conflicts, etc. And don’t forget the importance of taking breaks!
  4. Create Schedules & Make Agreements:
  5. Deal with Sibling Drama:
    • Seek support on coaching your children to work out their differences on their own
    • Nurture the sibling relationship & take time to notice how siblings begin to form a close bond (even though they will continue to argue with one another!)

Mentioned in this Episode:

If you have a question, comment or a suggestion about today’s episode, or the podcast in general, send me an email at [email protected] or connect with me over on Facebook @freshstartfamily & Instagram @freshstartwendy.


Learn more about how Positive Parenting Curriculum can transform your life through the Fresh Start Family Expereince.

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